


15 év, 15 barát: Ania Skrzypek

"Policy Solutions keeps adapting and pioneering, being a hub of all what characterizes a modern, energetic and forward-looking think-tank."
15 év, 15 barát: Ania Skrzypek

Policy Solutions celebrates its 15th birthday. To mark this anniversary, we asked our friends and important partners to write a short message about how they see the work of Policy Solutions. Ania Skrzypek has been doing an outstanding job in developing innovative research, training and debates to inspire and inform progressive politics across Europe for many years. We are proud of our long-standing partnership and the many achievements we have reached together with Ania and the FEPS team.

"Policy Solutions is a unique organization. It was established by just a small group of progressive, imaginative and courageous founders, among whom the highly esteemed director - Dr. András Bíró-Nagy - played a key role. Ever since, he and his colleagues have been driven by a genuine ambition and sense of responsibility. They defined their task and have been incredibly successful in their mission to provide Hungarian citizens with a space for a high-quality, stimulating conversation about relevant contemporary issues. Despite the harsh, disheartening context and turbulent developments in Hungary, Policy Solutions perseveres and flourishes being a strong reference point. Its team has the incredible ability to create momentums, to secure impressive interlocutors, to ask pertinent questions and to pursue these with research abiding by the standards of academic excellence. Every debate, every training, every book, every podcast is filled with exciting content, stirs politically pertinent debates, and expands the audiences. The organization keeps adapting and pioneering, being a hub of all what characterizes a modern, energetic and forward-looking political think tank. To that end, Policy Solutions’ work resonates also abroad, keeping external stakeholders upraised about the domestic situation and offering knowledge to enable crafting strategic approach towards Hungary – on the European and on the global level. We at FEPS couldn’t have been prouder about the cooperation and remain grateful for all the joint achievements, among which the recent publication on Visegrád social democracy by Palgrave Macmillan is perhaps for the moment the crowing jewel. We congratulate you and wish you very many happy anniversaries!"

Ania Skrzypek 

Director for Research and Training, FEPS 



A Policy Solutions egy budapesti székhelyű politikai elemző és tanácsadó intézet, amely elkötelezett a demokrácia, a szolidaritás, az esélyteremtés, a fenntarthatóság és az európai integráció iránt. Munkánk fókuszában a magyar és az európai uniós politikai folyamatok értelmezése áll. Kiemelt kutatási területeink közé tartozik a demokrácia minőségének vizsgálata, az euroszkepticizmus, a populizmus és a szélsőjobboldal mozgatórugóinak elemzése, valamint a választáskutatás. 



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