Political Analysis & Forecast
Business success and effective lobbying require a familiarity with the host country’s economic policies and legislative activity. Only those companies can overcome the challenges posed by the current economic climate and the ever-accelerating pace of Hungarian lawmaking, which are acquainted with the direction and potential effects of the significant political and economic developments.
To assist our customers in tackling this sometimes daunting task Policy Solutions produces monthly analyses and forecasts that summarize the major political and economic events and report on the sectorial news that pertain to the company’s industry. Our clients, who are mainly large corporations, have access to our analyses in both English and Hungarian. By equipping them with valuable information, our analyses allow our partners to prepare for forthcoming political and economic changes.
We also offer personal consultations as part of our service in order to ensure that our policy evaluations and forecasts are perfectly tailored for our customers’ needs.

Strategic Planning
Careful planning is of key importance to long-term political success. Daily media battles and tactical engagements can only gain sense if they fit into a detailed strategy, and if the politician does not lose the strategic target from sight.
Policy Solutions undertakes to map the client’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and potential challenges facing them, based on which we prepare the positioning and strategic plan. We also work out the substantial elements necessary for a political strategy (such as policy recommendations) and the related communications strategy.

Policy Counseling
Creating and maintaining the coherence of form and content is vital in modern politics. To preserve one’s credibility, in addition to professional communication, one also needs feasible policy solutions that are based on facts and realistic trends.
Policy Solutions undertakes the development of policy and implementation strategies. We examine the previous Hungarian and international measures taken in the given policy field, evaluate their effects and elaborate alternative ways to solve the policy challenge.

Political Communication Consulting
Success in implementing political programs depends more and more on their social acceptance and support. Even the best politicians, mayors and policy initiatives may flounder, if they are not communicated properly.
Therefore, Policy Solutions undertakes to aid organizations and politicians in working out their communication messages, media appearances and crisis management strategy.

Campaign Planning
Whether the campaign is for national or local elections, or for a policy topic, starting a campaign without a detailed strategy contains enormous risks. Campaign planning eliminates ad hoc communication that is expensive, inefficient and makes mistakes more probable. Planning approaches the tasks at hand from a strategic point of view, instead of improvisation.
Policy Solutions therefore offers designing communications campaigns for local governments, ministries, non-profit organizations and political parties. Our campaign planning services include the definition of goals, target groups, messages, activities, and the preparation of associated action plans.

Online Campaigns
During the course of the last few years, Internet has become one of the most important media in shaping popular discourse, which, among young people, has already overtaken both radio and printed media in its impact. Campaigns based on Web 2.0 communities represent a new generation of online campaigns, which offer cheaper and more target group-specific access than any other tool.
Policy Solutions, which is among the first organizations to carry out Web 2.0-based political campaigns in Hungary, undertakes their complete implementation as well as their planning. The aim of these campaigns is to live with the publicity possibilities of community portals, video-sharing applications, blogs, chat and forum services and online advertisement. Such campaigns are planned to reach target audiences and change their attitudes in a cost-efficient way.

Every politician finds the harmony of substantive and formal elements important in maintaining contact with voters: to communicate with supporters professionally, yet in an understandable and enjoyable manner.
Policy Solutions offers crafting speeches, election programs, flyers, letters to voters and other materials. In composing texts, we pay equal attention to the content of the materials and their communications effect.